Friday, April 29, 2016

Tripartite - 11"x14" Balsa and acrylic on wood.

Tripartite ©2016 Joshua J Barbosa

Tripartite ©2016 Joshua J Barbosa

Tripartite ©2016 Joshua J Barbosa
Tripartite is a textural adventure and experiment in building beyond the confines of a traditional two dimensional surface. The 11"x14" board is divided into three main areas of contrast featuring cool blues, grays and muddy greens.

The farthest most right section is fluid in the arrangement of it's balsa wood tiles. Imperfections in size and shape lend to the liquid like flow that leads the viewers eye to the deepest region. Larger block shapes suggest this space is not safe for swimming.

The center section is linear in both its components and direction. Narrow slats of balsa suggest vertical directionality despite their horizontal placement. Colors are muddy and sparse imparting a weathered look. Most unexpectedly this section continues off the bottom border, turning inward towards the wall on which it hangs.

On the far left are fields of heavily saturated turquoise patchwork, arranged in a more orderly fashion than it's predecessors. Vivid Blue-greens try and steal the show but concede slightly to the exposed grays of stained balsa wood.

Initial inspiration was mainly compositional. Turned 90 degrees to the right it is more obvious that a landscape of sorts was imagined. I thought mainly of the view across my favorite pond.

Color choices were unplanned and instead accepted as they occured. Resulting in an image that hints at tropical blue waters and aging seaside infrastructure.

I consider Tripartite an overwhelming success!

Available for purchase here.

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